Monday, September 29, 2008

What NOT to bring

You always hear or see "what to bring" guides when traveling. Well, let me suggest a few things you don't need to bring...for starters, everything you own, including simple cosmetics, toiletries and accessories that weigh down your luggage and our readily available in developed countries like Spain. We could barely eve walk in our room with all our stuff. Ngoc and I finally arrived in Huelva after hauling our luggage all over Madrid. I can not even imagine to begin what the trek would've been like without help from friends. We endured a city bus ride with our luggage rolling around and trying not to take out standing passengers, hauled our luggage to the metro and through the metro station than walked to Julio's piso in Madrid. Unfortunately, that trip had to be replicated on our way to Huelva. I was sadly informed we had a 7 hour bus ride to Huelva. I met a boy from Huelva on the bus, Valentine, who wanted to practice his English with me, I wonder where he got the impression I even spoke English? He later told me I looked as American as they much for fitting in with the locals :( He was very cute and told me the Huelvan high school boys are “malos, malos, malos!” I'm nervous about working in a high school because everyone has told me the boys will be tough and difficult. After teaching tennis all summer all day to little kids I think I'm prepared for rambunctious boys. Our piso is nice and close to the downtown which is very convenient. We're off to explore and familiarize ourselves with our new home.
Un beso,
Allison :)

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