So as everyone knows, Ally and I have developed a new addiction... the Spanish TV drama "Sin Tetas No Hay Paraiso". Every Thursday we faithfully watch it, because it stars the best looking man... besides Enrique Iglesias... in the world. Although his voice annoys me, he's nice to look at. Anyways, that's the Duque, and all I have to say is how come I have yet to see anyone else like him in Spain...

Either way that's not what the post is about. Today I had a very relaxed and lazy day. I woke up really late, didn't have any classes, and when I finally decided to leave the piso, I walked around a little bit, went to the library and then back to the piso. All of a sudden I decided that I'd take my little walk to the pier and take pictures, because it is my favorite place in Huelva. When I see it, and I'm walking on it I just feel very relaxed and as if I'm on vacation. The only problem is that it takes about 30 minutes to walk there, and the rest of the city is not worth taking pictures of. However, I managed to make it to the pier, and the sun had gone down already, but it's in moments like these that I'm like you're all by you

rself, walking on the pier and everything around you screams romance... but I guess esa es la vida.

I've decided this will be my haven. When I find myself bored with nothing to do, I'm going to take the 30 minute walk and sit on the pier with my book, and relax... something I don't do often enough.
Sorry it was an uneventful post, however, enjoy the beautiful pictures and I wished you guys were here with me.
Ngoc :)
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